Friday, August 29, 2008

This Risk Neutral Approach Or Technique Also Opened A Door To Other Options Of Valuation Methods That Used The Monte Carlo Method Of Binominal Trees To Model Future Asset Values

Category: Finance.

A lot of people have sought a complete guide to option pricing formula. The inventor of Brownian motion, Bachelier also is the root of the" Option pricing theory" also called" Black- Scholes theory" or" derivatives pricing theory" .

We would attempt to provide here a comprehensive useful guide. This risk neutral approach or technique also opened a door to other options of valuation methods that used the Monte Carlo method of binominal trees to model future asset values. Users are able to treat all assets of a financial nature as having expected returns that are equaled to the risk free rate. It does not attempt to provide so called realistic expected returns and discount rates in its analysis. All cash flows can be discounted at the risk free rate. Initial mention of risk neutral valuation was by Cox and Ross. No investor can be risk neutral, so the risk neutral technique is not a true reflection of the real world, still if correctly used it produces correct option prices.

It lay somewhere in the midst of their paper on pricing options with jump processes, released 197Three years later, realizing the importance of the technique they teamed up with Mark Rubinstein to publish a paper that uses risk neutral valuation to develop the technique of binomial trees. This is the main method used for derivatives in complete markets. Progressively other authors formalized the mathematics of risk neutral as a method of equivalent martingale measures. Financial engineers are well paid professionals holding advanced degrees in mathematics or physics. These top financial engineers design and implement derivatives pricing models. There are sometimes referred to as rocket scientist or quants. The Black Scholes approach or technique is sometimes called the differential equations approach because they employ partial differential equations.

Examples include the original Black Scholes formula or the Monte Carlo method used to solve equations numerically. These differential equations often have closed- form solutions which lead to quite simple pricing formulas. The risk neutral approach is also called the stochastic calculus approach, because it tends to involve detailed use of stochastic calculus with changes of measure between a" real world" and a" risk neutral" world. It is relatively more flexible than the Black- Scholes approach. It could also lead to closed form solutions, although numerical solutions are more usual. At some instances it is effective when used to price derivatives that the Black- Scholes approach could not solve. This normally requires the modeling of entire term structures.

Methods known for financial engineering have now been extended to fixed income derivatives. They have at other instances been extended to include commodities markets, at this markets risk neutral valuation becomes quite more of a problem.


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